Issue Position: Miscellaneous Issues

Issue Position

1. Term limits to about a 10 year term will be mandated for Congress in order to eliminate the career politicians which are looking out for lobbyists and special interests and their own pocketbooks rather than the U.S. citizens future. These politicians portray that they are out for the people but much of what they do out of the public eye is to assure they get re-elected.

2. A fourth issue of concern to me is to assure equal opportunities for all children to receive an education. Despite what economic or social status one is born into, it is important for everyone to improve their quality of life if they so choose.

3. A firm and fair immigration policy will be implemented which deters illegal crossings of our borders. Fences will be built in the high traffic areas and employers will be highly fined for hiring illegals. Quota policies will be reviewed to allow for needed workers in various sectors but our jobs will not be stolen by illegal immigrants.

4. Alternative energy sources such as wind and solar power will be aggressively sought and off-shore drilling will be increased, but with a careful eye on the environment.

5. The morals in our country will be preserved with the pro life movement and maintaining the right to worship a God of ones choice. I am a member of the First United Methodist Church but I respect all religions.

6. Tax cuts similar to "Reaganomics" will be implemented to spur the economy and our federal deficit will be addressed by the above stated cost savings and a tax increase on the top 2 percent of Americans who can afford to pay more.

7. Our Constitutional freedoms will be preserved such as gun rights(I am against gun free zones),unreasonable searches and seizures, free speech, free market trade and religious choice. Privacy may have to be sacrificed accordingly due to the terrorists recent use of cell phones and similar computer technology.
